Saturday, March 12, 2011

Open Mic Night: Poetry

Our next guild contest will be one to usher in one of many open mic nights to come. I am an English major after all, with an emphasis on creative writing. The contest is simple, just be a presenter at our open mic night to be eligible for a random drawing to win a prize. This first open mic night will focus on poetry, or spoken word. Humor will be accepted, but save comedy acts for other open mic nights where everything applies. This particular open mic night's focus will be poetry. Pick a poem that you feel has great meaning to yourself and has a message you wish to impart with others, or a poem that best describes an experience or memory that you are fond of. Even better, share a poem that you've written yourself.

I encourage all to take part in this guild contest. Our guild aim is to foster a genuine sense of camaraderie, and an open mic night would be a great way to get to know your fellow guild mates. Our open mic night will be scheduled for Friday, April 1st at 7:30 P.M. server time. I'm giving you a bit over two weeks to prepare for open mic, so start writing/searching!

Contest Rules:
1) Write/find a poem that matches the standards set in the description above.
2) Be prepared to share the poem with us in guild vent; the poem must be at least two minutes long.
3) Before or after you present, let us know why you chose your poem, and what message you think we can benefit from.
4) Let's be respective of each other, please exemplify a mature and appreciative audience.
5) A copy of your poem must be e-mailed to Tides no later than the midnight of Friday, April 1st. You can e-mail me at
6) You must be present for the entire duration of the open mic night (both in-game and in vent) to qualify for the random drawing at the end.

Grand Prize: One month of WoW game time and a Blizzard online store pet of your choice.
Second Prize: Blizzard online store pet of your choice.
Third Prize: Embersilk Bag or any equivalent-sized bag.

** As a small bonus, we will need to find a venue for our open mic night. If you think you can find a great spot, take a screen-shot of your idea and e-mail it to Tides as well. If your spot is chosen, you will be awarded with 200 gold.