Saturday, April 30, 2011

LOSTies Public Service Announcement

As a casual social-raiding guild, it has proved challenging getting our guild ready for Cataclysm raids. I have been hoping to bolster our forces by teaming up with another guild to tackle this issue, yet at the same time I wished to steer clear of larger, less amicable guilds. Fortunately for us, this is where Dunder Mifflin steps in.

Much like us, they are a modest and cordial guild and they exhibit the camaraderie I value deeply. As mentioned last week, we are in the process of collaborating our efforts with Dunder Mifflin as raid allies. As far as raid progression goes, they are yet to complete any of the Cataclysm raids, so we are very alike. However, they are a few steps ahead of us in Cataclysm raid experience and we have much to learn from them. That said, I would like for us to show them our potential. I am certain that both guilds can benefit from each other and work together well. In order to ensure this, teamwork is of utmost importance and we will be enacting new measures to help present ourselves as proficient allies to Dunder Mifflin. For starters, we will employ the following tactics:

  • Guild heroics ~ We seem to be doing okay, but I would like for us to have full guild groups as much as possible. Not only will we be gaining guild experience points at a much faster rate, we will also help everyone get geared faster as well as get used to each others play style. Guild chemistry is a must before we get ready to raid with another guild. I will start scheduling guild heroics through the guild calendar again, please make sure to utilize this. I am fully aware that we aren't all used to each other's schedule yet, so let's aim for at least one full guild heroic run a week. Surpass that by even a little bit and we are that much closer to Cataclysm raiding. Once we learn to synchronize ourselves, we can aim for a little higher.
  • Team building exercises ~ Once every two months I will plan innovative, fun team-building exercises for our guild with the aim of adapting to each other while facing a mission, all the while having a blast as well. Hopefully we can get Dunder Mifflin to join as well. More details will be given in the near future.
  • Weekly raid checkups ~ I will revert to having weekly raid checkups again. This is not a competition, it is just an effort to give everyone that little nudge toward challenging ourselves to become more viable on the battlefield. These checkups will be administered by Phishy our Medic Unit Leader, or any of the other officers.
  • Garbo runs ~ Though we aren't quite ready to complete an entire raid on our own, we should still attempt to get our foot in the door. A great way to do this is by means of garbo (trash) runs. The garbo mobs in raids are already superior to what we encounter in heroics, so it's an excellent way to practice. I will be scheduling garbo runs through the guild calendar as well, please be sure to participate in these if you are able to. They are a great way to get a taste of what a raid will be like and to hone our teamwork skills.
These changes will take some time getting used to, but I am sure they won't prove too much of a challenge for us. The most important thing really is to spend more time together as a guild. I'm not asking everyone to dump more playtime into WoW. That is the absolute last thing I'd ever ask for. By now you should all realize that I do nothing but preach about how RL > WoW at all times, whether it's family, friends, school, work or play. All I would like to see is everyone setting aside some time to work together as a guild in the moments you are online and your guild mates are on as well. I haven't been with you all 24/7, but in the moments I did share with you all, I do see the potential that each and everyone of you have, and it makes me wonder just how much more awesome we could be if we collectively worked as a whole.

I am glad to have every single one of you in the guild and I would love nothing more than for you to call LOSTies your home on Kalecgos server. You all strike me as neighborly, outstanding individuals with a vested interest in LOSTies; otherwise you wouldn't have stuck around for so long. So let's all do our best to jump-start our guild chemistry and make a name for ourselves on Kalecgos, all the while having a blast!