Friday, November 11, 2011

LOSTies Raid Teams

The Sorting Hat has been summoned from his dusty bookshelf!  Our guild has reached the point where we are having to ask a couple guild mates to sit out on raids.  No worries; we should have enough to get two ten-man raiding teams going.  Please refer below to find out which raiding team you have been placed in.  Both teams have been created with your main character (highest geared) enlisted because these teams are aimed at Firelands and Dragon Soul raid progression.  Your geared off spec 85s are more than welcome to join the other raid team for their raid nights if they have slots open. However, do not join another raid team with your main 85 if it will cause your main 85 to be locked from joining your actual raid team if you raid on a later raid night in the week.   Also, we want to give the guild mates on the Reserve List the opportunity to join a raid night if they are geared and available.  

  • Just because your name does not appear doesn't mean we won't be taking you on raids.  It is not guaranteed that every raid member will show up for both of their team's raid nights, so this is where we can take geared people from the Reserve roster.  If you would like to be bumped up from the reserve list onto one of the two teams, consult the officers and let them know which raid nights are more preferable for you.  You must be geared and able to generally make at least one raid night a week to be placed onto a raid team.

  • These teams are effective immediately.  Team #1 will raid on Fridays and Sundays and Team #2 will raid on Thursdays and Saturdays.  Both teams will raid from 6:30 to 9:30 pm server time.  Your alt level 85s will be added to the reserve list as well and you are free to join the other raid team on their raid days with your alt 85s.
  • If you would like to raid with our guild, please refer to the "getting geared" link on the right-hand side of the guild page and meet with any of the officers for a raid checkup.  Cheers! 
  • If you don't see your name on any of the lists, it is because you haven't expressed an interest in raiding with us yet. Please consult any of the officers and we will add you to the list.
  • ImportantYou must meet with whichever officer will be leading any given raid night for a raid checkup first before you are invited to the raid.  Please do not wait last minute to do a raid checkup. Ideally you should meet with them as soon as you can, but you meet with them before Wednesday because Thursday through Sunday are the raid days for both teams.
  • If you have any questions about getting geared for raids, on the right-hand side of our guild blog there is a link labeled "getting geared." Be sure to read that and feel free to consult any of the officers or Tides.
  • If you would like Tides to add any information to your note on the Raid Team rosters, please consult him in-game.

LOSTies Raid Team #1

LOSTies Raid Team #2

LOSTies Reserve List
(Names with an asterisk symbol are alt 85 characters of players already assigned to a raid team on their main 85.  If geared, these alt 85s are welcome to join the other raid team that their main 85 is not assigned to. If your name does not appear on this list or any of the Raid Teams and you would like it to, please consult Tides.)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Shannox: 10-Man Normal Video Guides

tgnWorldofWarcraft's Guide:

FatBossTV's Guide: