Saturday, December 25, 2010

Results: LOSTies Cataclysm Contest

Thank you for your submissions, Scott (Nyetitalltwo) and Kim (Kyreal). Scott, your picture was really epic and the captions you included really gave a sense of arising valor in a time of woe. Kim, you have an exceptional talent for writing! The image of a deserted Dalaran really went well with your description. Are you a writer by any chance? At some point in the future I will hold a writing contest; I already anticipate reading more of your writing.

1st Place Winner: Scott
2nd Place Winner: Kim

I really appreciate the effort you two put into this contest. It was a tough decision, both submissions had their strengths. Scott, I will need you to email me the address you wish to receive your prize. I will ship it out within the first week of January. Kyreal, I will need your email address associated with your WoW account, so I can gift you the pet; also, let me know in the email which pet you want from the Blizzard online store. It was a great contest; expect similar ones in the future.

Scott's submission:

Kim's submission:

I arrived in Azeroth later than most, just as the Lich King resistance was forming. As a result, my travels in the old world and Outland were relatively lonely. Shattrath, to me, was an empty husk, never housing more than vendors and citizens. I knew at one time it had been a thriving city, full of Alliance and Horde side by side. When I arrived at Dalaran, it was so full and busy, I was shocked. At last, I had found the hub of activity worthy of a large city.

Deathwing changed all that. Once so full of people that traffic slowed to a halt, now Dalaran sits empty. A proud city with almost no one to enjoy it's splendor. Just like Shattrath. Dalaran may not be in flames. It may not be damaged physically, but it is no longer a thriving city as before. My view of Dalaran has changed, and so I submit this view as my example of how Deathwing has altered the landscape, even in the sky.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

LOSTies Cataclysm Contest

Cataclysm has arrived and LOSTies would like to invite you to usher in Deathwing's new era through our very own guild contest in honor of all the fiery wrath and brimstone that Deathwing has brought upon the face of Azeroth. The contest submission deadline is Friday the 24th at 11:59 PM, Christmas Eve. Any submissions afterward will not be accepted. Posted below are the contest rules. Good luck and Happy Holidays, LOSTies!

Contest Rules:

1) To make this contest fair for those who don't have the expansion yet, contestants are to find a fiery locale within Azeroth or Northrend that is available to ALL players, even those who don't have the Cataclysm expansion yet. You cannot enter areas inaccessible to players that don't have the expansion, such as Mount Hyjal or Twilight Highlands.

2) Once you find a fiery spot, take a picture of yourself in it. Get creative! Take a screen shot which you feel best depicts Deathwing's impact upon Azeroth and its hopeless denizens. Two screen shots are required, your creative fiery screen shot and a picture of the world map with the mouse pointer barely touching your character's dot on the map so that I can see your character's name and which zone you are in to make sure it's not a zone that is inaccessible to players without the Cataclysm expansion. I will check those zones to make sure the spot you took the screen shot at is indeed the spot that shows up on your world map photo. Be sure to hide your UI (User Interface) while taking the screen shot. If you're on a Mac, press Option and Z. It may be different buttons if you're using a PC. Finally, you must have the LOSTies guild tabard equipped!

3) Deadline for submissions is Friday 24th, 11:59 PM, Christmas Eve. That's Pacific Standard Time. No late submissions accepted. Email your two screen shots to You must include a short description of your perspective when taking the picture. Why does this picture best portray Deathwing's fiery impact on Azeroth? You are welcome to get all poetic and gung ho with this short description – it will serve as the caption to your photo. Your Cataclysm photo submission will be posted on the guild blog.


Be creative. You can take pictures of distraught inhabitants or of affected creatures, or take a scenic picture of a locale that's in blazing ruins. You can even take a symbolic picture depicting cataclysmic changes that will either rain destruction upon the Alliance or make it shine far greater than the Horde. All interpretations are welcome, so long as you are in the picture and the guild tabard is equipped.

Contest Prizes:

1st Place Prize: Cataclysm Expansion Pack (box version, not digital) will be mailed to you.
*If you already have the expansion pack, then you will get the same thing offered for
2nd place winner.
2nd Place Prize: Your choice of one of the Blizzard Online Store companion pets.
3rd Place Prize: Abyssal Bag (or any equivalent 22-slot bag).