Saturday, December 25, 2010

Results: LOSTies Cataclysm Contest

Thank you for your submissions, Scott (Nyetitalltwo) and Kim (Kyreal). Scott, your picture was really epic and the captions you included really gave a sense of arising valor in a time of woe. Kim, you have an exceptional talent for writing! The image of a deserted Dalaran really went well with your description. Are you a writer by any chance? At some point in the future I will hold a writing contest; I already anticipate reading more of your writing.

1st Place Winner: Scott
2nd Place Winner: Kim

I really appreciate the effort you two put into this contest. It was a tough decision, both submissions had their strengths. Scott, I will need you to email me the address you wish to receive your prize. I will ship it out within the first week of January. Kyreal, I will need your email address associated with your WoW account, so I can gift you the pet; also, let me know in the email which pet you want from the Blizzard online store. It was a great contest; expect similar ones in the future.

Scott's submission:

Kim's submission:

I arrived in Azeroth later than most, just as the Lich King resistance was forming. As a result, my travels in the old world and Outland were relatively lonely. Shattrath, to me, was an empty husk, never housing more than vendors and citizens. I knew at one time it had been a thriving city, full of Alliance and Horde side by side. When I arrived at Dalaran, it was so full and busy, I was shocked. At last, I had found the hub of activity worthy of a large city.

Deathwing changed all that. Once so full of people that traffic slowed to a halt, now Dalaran sits empty. A proud city with almost no one to enjoy it's splendor. Just like Shattrath. Dalaran may not be in flames. It may not be damaged physically, but it is no longer a thriving city as before. My view of Dalaran has changed, and so I submit this view as my example of how Deathwing has altered the landscape, even in the sky.


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