Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cata Raiding Patch 4.2 Checklist

So you're interested in raiding with LOSTies. Great choice! Although we are a casual social raiding/pvp guild, it doesn't mean we raid any less than other raiding guilds out there. I just like to use the term "casual" in the sense that we keep things chill. We are all willing to learn the raids together and respect each other, all the while having a blast with our guild mates. Another nice factor is that we don't hold it against you if you aren't able to join us for raids on any given night. I also ensure that our raiding environments are more about fun and team-building rather than stress and arguments.

At the same time, I'd like for us to maintain a professional raid group each week. If you feel you are ready to raid with us, please go over the Cata Raiding Patch 4.2 Checklist I've included in this post. If you have any questions or inquiries, please consult Tides, Jay a.k.a. Swansong, and Scottie a.k.a. Fade. You will also need to meet with any one of us for a raid checkup.

Aside from this blog post, please read a more in-depth guide by referring to the QUICKies list on the right-hand side of the guild blog and click on the link entitled "getting geared," then read the post entitled "Gearing Up for Cataclysm Raids."

Our official raid day with our allied raiding guild, Dunder Mifflin Inc., is Saturdays at 8pm server time. Our unofficial raid day for just us LOSTies is Fridays at 8pm server time for the time being until we all decide on a time for either Friday or Sunday.

At present, we currently need at least two more tanks, another druid, a warlock, a death knight and a shadow priest. However, all are welcome to join us as long as they are geared and are willing to learn in a chill environment. We look forward to having you join us for raids. Cheers!

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