Tuesday, October 25, 2011

LOSTies Raid Comp. & Evaluations

G'day, LOSTies.  We're growing as a guild so I decided to make a list of those who have expressed interest in raiding with us and those who have already raided with us.  I've left out those who have become inactive but I will add them as soon as they return and I will continue to add those who would like to join us for raids.  Keep in mind, the numbers or order in the list mean nothing.  All this is is a list of those who have raided with us and next to their names are the roles they've joined us as.  Everything is based off my observations.  The order of the roles everyone has is such:  the role you thrive in comes first, followed by other roles you have experience raiding with us as, and the last role is one that you've either stopped joining us as, lost interest with, or one that you've raided with the least or not at all but have expressed interest in.  Also, just because you don't have multiple roles next to your name, it certainly doesn't mean you have less raid value.  I value the raid as a whole; everyone brings some unique value to the guild.  This list is just a reference for me and the officers when we are planning for raids.  Remember, this list will grow and I will update it when necessary.

The A-list

T = tank
TH = tank heals
RH = raid heals
RD = ranged deeps
MD = melee deeps (not doctor, nub)

Also, I will be doing raid evaluations with everyone, including the officers.  This is my one-on-one time with everyone so that I can assess everyone's raid activity.  I don't always have the time to thank you and point out your strengths in much greater detail, and I don't like to single anyone out as well and give them constructive criticism.  I assure you we are in no way an elitist guild.  Everyone is welcome to our raids as long as they make an effort to get geared and properly gemmed and enchanted (again, we can always help but you need to show initiative), watch the raid boss videos I've posted on our guild blog, and shows up to raids ready to have a blast and be respectful to everyone.  I have a midterm this Wednesday and next Thursday, so anticipate raid evaluations after next Thursday.  Cheers!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lord Ryolith: 10-Man Guides

LOSTies Firelands Raid Requirements:

  • At least 355+ avg ilvl
  • Absolutely no pvp gear
  • All proper gems and enchants (consult elitist jerks.com or askmrrobot.com)
  • Raid checkup with either Tides, Ryan aka Imnotferal or Jay aka Humph
  • Watch the Firelands boss video guides posted on guild blog (Take notes cos I will ask questions to make sure you took the time to watch the videos.  This goes for everyone, including officers.  I will exclude you from the raid if you don't answer properly.  You only need to watch one of the videos per boss if I've uploaded multiple guides.)
  • Ventrilo (At least be able to hear us)
  • Bring a smile  :]
If you aren't quite geared yet, it's not the end of the road for you.  Be sure to join guild mates for heroics and make sure you are doing both Mount Hyjal and Molten Front dailies.  If you need help with gems and enchants, obtain all the mats and bring them to our guild enchanters and jewel crafters.  Be sure to work on getting reputation with the Cataclysm factions to get the spec appropriate arcanum (helm enchant) as well as working on getting exalted with Therazane's Throne to get the shoulder enchant.

learntoraid's Guide:

FatbossTV's Guide:

Beth'ilac: 10-Man Guides

LOSTies Firelands Raid Requirements:

  • At least 355+ avg ilvl
  • Absolutely no pvp gear
  • All proper gems and enchants (consult elitist jerks.com or askmrrobot.com)
  • Raid checkup with either Tides, Ryan aka Imnotferal or Jay aka Humph
  • Watch the Firelands boss video guides posted on guild blog (Take notes cos I will ask questions to make sure you took the time to watch the videos.  This goes for everyone, including officers.  I will exclude you from the raid if you don't answer properly.  You only need to watch one of the videos per boss if I've uploaded multiple guides.)
  • Ventrilo (At least be able to hear us)
  • Bring a smile  :]
If you aren't quite geared yet, it's not the end of the road for you.  Be sure to join guild mates for heroics and make sure you are doing both Mount Hyjal and Molten Front dailies.  If you need help with gems and enchants, obtain all the mats and bring them to our guild enchanters and jewel crafters.  Be sure to work on getting reputation with the Cataclysm factions to get the spec appropriate arcanum (helm enchant) as well as working on getting exalted with Therazane's Throne to get the shoulder enchant.

FatbossTV's Guide:

OMFGcata's Guide:

LOSTies' First Shannox Kill & some announcements

Great job downing Shannox! It took us three goes tonight and oddly enough the final attempt was very sloppy but we made a great recovery and made it with all ten guild mates standing.  Thanks for your team efforts.

Raid Composition:

Nicky aka Ace ~ Main Tank
Ryan aka Imnotferal ~ Offtank
Mirandah ~ Tank Heals
Tidesroyale ~ Tank Heals
Jay aka Humph ~ Raid Heals
Adam aka Spadesfrost ~ Deeps
Mattie aka Marderon ~ Deeps
Chris aka Andaph ~ Deeps
Joe aka Specops ~ Deeps
Liam aka Killerkillman ~ Deeps

From now on we'll be attempting the other Firelands bosses.  I will be posting Firelands boss video guides soon so keep checking the guild blog and be sure to watch the videos if you'd like to be included in our next Firelands raid. Firelands is a much harder raid compared to the other raids we've done so I need to comply with strict requirements.  Please be sure to read the requirements on our guild calendar before signing up.

I've schedule an FL garbo run for this Wednesday at 8pm server time, and an actual Firelands raid this Friday at 8pm server time.  Please do not feel bad if we are unable to take you with us for Firelands raids.  If you aren't quite geared for Firelands yet, don't hesitate to ask for help.  We are always getting full guild groups for random Zandalari troll heroics, be sure to join us for those.

Also, I'd like to bring back our PVP nights. I've scheduled this Saturday night as a PVP night to give us all a break from raiding.  We will use that night to get everyone geared through battlegrounds/arenas and have a bit of friendly inter-guild competition through wargames. We'll try this on Saturday night and we'll try to incorporate at least one night a week designated as a strictly PVP night for those interested in getting geared for arenas and rated battlegrounds.  If you have any questions about arenas please ask Ralphie aka Thuglife.  He's our Warmonger/PVP officer.  You can also ask Adam aka Spades or Jay aka Humph.  I would love for our guild to get its kickass on!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Conclave of Wind: Heroic 10-Man Guides

AvailedGuide's Guide:

learntoraid's Guide:

Friday, October 14, 2011

Maloriak: Heroic 10-Man Guides

Tankspot's Guide:

 AvailedGuides' Guide:

Omnotron Defense System: Heroic 10-Man Guide

Omnotron Heroic Diagram
tgnWorldofWarcraft's Guide:

Magmaw: Heroic 10-Man Guides

 Tankspot's Guide:

AvailedGuides' Guide: