Wednesday, December 14, 2011

LOSTies' First Lord Rhyolith and Other Kill Shots

LOSTies' first Lord Rhyolith kill, 12.13.11

With UI.

 Our first Lord Rhyolith kill!  Before attempting him we also downed Shannox and Beth'tilac the same raid night.  The Shannox encounter was so funny cos Mirandah and Vrill got trapped in the crystal poison traps together twice!  Although the first one didn't count cos it was an accidental pull.  I really wish we could have taken a picture of that.  We downed Lord Rhyolith in three attempts.  Shout outs to the driving team: Jay aka Exhalted, Vrill and Chris aka Andaph as the driving team lead.  Good on ya, LOSTies!

Raid Composition:

Tidesroyale ~ Main Tank
Nicky aka Ace ~ Main Tank
Mira aka Mirandah ~ Tank Heals
Juni aka Lekayli ~ Tank Heals
Ride ~ Raid Heals
Mike aka Pantagruel ~ Ranged Deeps
Chris aka Andaph ~ Ranged Deeps
Mattie aka Marderon ~ Ranged Deeps
Jay aka Exhalted ~ Melee Deeps

Vrill ~ Melee Deeps

Shannox kill 12.13.11
Beth'tilac kill, 12.13.11

Wide shot.

With UI featuring Tidy Plates name plates.

Chopper shot!

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