Thursday, February 11, 2010

Recap: Meet & Greet 1.29.10

Thanks to all ten LOSTies that came to our first guild event. Deep in the darkness that prevails in Duskwood, there we stood amongst ourselves, in the strangely serene and picturesque Twilight Grove. We held a special game for the lowbies in the guild, in which we pitted them against each other in a deadly race of bravery and wits. Who ever could reach the portal and head back to the starting point first would be given honor and a grand prize of 20 gold, a 16-slot bag, and complimentary jewelry crafted by Tides himself. All the while, the contestants had to elude one of the most cunning and lethal druids birthed by the Horde. After many deaths and laughs, Travailen the warlock scored first place, followed by Desttroyer the paladin in second place and our very own spunky mage, Anklebiteher in third place. Great efforts, all who participated!

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