Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alas, our own guild vent!

Communication on the Island in LOST was a vital tool to the band of survivors. By using it effectively, they were able to overcome many obstacles and defeat the most treacherous of foes. Similarly, by use of ventrilo, we LOSTies will be able to utilize its power to coordinate effective raid strategies in real time, hold urgent officers' meetings, collaborate fun guild events, or simply engage in conversations with each other.

Welcome to our first official guild ventrilo! I've purchased our own guild vent because I feel that it will truly enhance the LOSTies' experience. For the time being, only 25 LOSTies may be logged on to the vent at the same time. The reason why only 25 LOSTies can use the vent at one time is because I subscribed to the second of the lower monthly packages. Right now I'm paying $33.60 every six months for our guild vent. For a couple more dollars we could increase the number of LOSTies allowed in guild vent at one time. I'm just as broke as most college students, so that's how much I'm willing to part with every six months. The vent hosting site I've subscribed to has a neat group-pay feature, which allows other guildies to help pay for our guild vent. Now, I'm not insisting that everyone should help pay, I'm just implying that if anyone is willing to help, I would very much appreciate it. You don't have to pay as high as $33.60, you could just make a one time payment of $7 for one month of ventrilo service.

If you would like to help, all you have to do is click on this link:

* My utmost thanks to you should you kindly offer your help in this matter. *

To view more information on the ventrilo hosting site that I've subscribed to, you may visit this link:
LOSTies Group-Pay Link
Here is our LOSTies vent info:

Port #: 5860
Password: (ask an officer!)

Since I pay for our guild vent, please make sure to follow the LOSTies vent rules, which I will affix at the end of this post. They are fairly simple rules. Now go have fun on our very own private guild ventrilo!


1. DO NOT give our ventrilo information to anyone that isn't a LOSTie. This includes any of your friends that aren't in LOSTies yet.  Anyone who breaks this rule will be banned from vent and kicked from guild.

2. If there are younger players logged on to vent, please try not to swear.

3. Use the appropriate channels.

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