Saturday, July 10, 2010

Town Hall Meeting 7.10.2010

I want to thank everyone that could make it to our town hall meeting. I've a feeling that all the people who signed up and didn't show up forgot that it was scheduled for server time. Remember, all guild events and raids are scheduled at server time to avoid confusion. Also, whenever you're doing an instance/heroic, you're doing it on another server, so the time shown at your mini map clock will most likely reflect the wrong time. Again, I'd like to thank those of you who did show up; some really great questions were asked and insightful input offered as well. Here's a brief recap of what was covered at the town hall meeting for those of you who weren't able to show up:

Guild Ranking System -
We have a special guild ranking system in effect that is used to determine one's dedication and loyalty to the guild. If you would like to read more about the guild ranking system, at the top right hand side of the guild blog, there is a list full of labels that link directly to blog posts of important subjects. Just find label entitled "guild ranking system" and click to be redirected to the post about the guild ranking system. Everyone new to the guild must undergo a 48 hour initiation period, and after this period of evaluation, an officer will rank you up from Flight 815 to Survivor rank. Too many of you have been at the Survivor rank for much too long, and it doesn't take much to rank up to Kahana rank. Please read up on the guild ranking system by following the instructions above in order to find out what you need to do. The more rank ups you get, the more you are able to withdraw from the guild keep!

Or you can click on this link to be redirected to the guild ranking system post:

Guild Keep Rules -
The LOSTies Guild Keep rules are simple and just. The gist of it is that all I ask of you is that if you are going to withdraw something, please deposit something of equal or greater value, or a fair amount of gold based on what you withdraw. The guild keep is a great way for us to help each other out and improve our professions or durability out in the battlefield. Whatever is put in there is donated by your fellow guild mates to ensure that you are being helped. Please keep it fair by giving back to others. I'm not asking that you deposit equal items right away, but please do so in a timely manner. Various officers scan the guild keep log and can see records of what is deposited or withdrawn. Also, I'm not going to hound everyone to start donating. Just keep in mind that if you enjoy being a LOSTie and have a vested interest in this guild, please give whatever amount you can, and regularly. I can tell you now that I've noticed a certain guildie that donates 50 silver every now and then, and I honestly appreciate that just as much as a donation of 100 gold from a guildie once in a blue moon. Here's a tip; when I was in a former guild, I made sure to donate a small amount of gold every Friday just to show my appreciation and to show that I cared for my fellow guildies.

Guild Ventrilo -
We do have a guild vent, and for more info on our guild vent, please find the label at the upper right-hand side of the blog titled "guild ventrilo," or simply visit this link: . One important thing I'd like to note about our guild vent is that I as Guild Master, pay for our guild vent. I'm a college student, so I like most college students struggle to scratch a living in the real world. One aspect I love about our guild vent hosting website is that it features a "Group Pay" method that allows other guildies to help pay for our guild vent through one-time payments. You don't need to sign up for monthly recurring payments; you can at anytime help me out whenever you can by clicking on this link to pay just once at a time:

Mind you, I'm not asking you to pay at all, it's just if you think I'm a worthy guy deserving of your help, I'm not going to turn away help from a fellow guild mate. Currently, I pay $33.60 every six months for our guild vent. So if you feel like offering me help whenever you can, just click on the link above to be redirected to our guild vent hosting website to make a one-time, secure payment toward our guild vent. It doesn't have to be as high as $33.60, you could just make a one time payment of $7 for one month. Let me reiterate that it is just a one-time payment, you won't be signed up for automatic payments every month; that's the burden I have to bear as Guild Master.

Just a bit on the guild vent rules:
1) Absolutely do not give out the guild vent information to non-LOSTies. Doing so will get you banned instantly. The ONLY person allowed to do that is Tides, and he'll only do that when hosting a raid and some non-guildies are PUG'd (Pick Up Group) into the raid. For the most part, Tides will host raids consisting of LOSTies only.

2) I pay for the second lowest monthly package, which allows 15 LOSTies to be logged into the guild vent at one time. So if there is a raid and we need more spots for members in the raid, please give your spot up if you aren't raiding.

3) We're all adults, so minimal cussing is allowed. However, if you're a salty pirate and you feel the need to go berserk and all out with the cussing, or utter words that are offensive to others, either drop down to the vent channel labeled, "Tender Bar," or don't say it at all. Just a guideline, if it's something you have to ask yourself if it is offensive or not, then it is offensive to others!

4) There are many chat rooms in our guild vent with a variety of labels to help you determine their specific function. If you plan on being in one of them, please be respectful of the appropriate label designated for that room. For example, if you are in the Library Room, use inside voices and don't disturb the other LOSTies with excessive noise.

Guild Social Events -
As we are a social guild, Tides and the other officers will try their best to schedule social events regularly, at least once every other week is our aim. My goal is for our guild to be a close-knit guild where one is able to log on to a guild where they can view the guild roster and see everyone's names on the guild roster and treat them like neighbors, not strangers. There are more ways to enjoy this game aside from questing, pvp-ing and raiding, after all, and it is Tides' sincerest wish to show you the many possibilities to enjoy in other gamers' company in a world of 3-D graphics encased within your very monitor screen. Come take a break every now and then, and have a good time with your fellow LOSTies. The purpose of these guild events is to foster a true sense of camaraderie, and ensure team work and fun over all. We will try our best to schedule these events a week in advance, and they will mostly be on weekends. If you're really interested and would like to participate in these social events, be sure to keep checking the in-game calendar and the guild blog to keep updated. Some examples of past and future guild events include: Tree Huggers Unite!, meet and greets, Open Mic Night, Book Club (Tides is an English major after all), The Transporter, Paintballing, and LOSTies Expo. This is just a taste of all the LOSTies madness that we wish you could be a part of!

Guild Facebook -
Yes, we have a guild Facebook! Wouldn't it be great to see the faces behind your fellow LOSTies? If you're interested, just look Tides up on Facebook by searching for Tides Royale or by email: You'll not only get to see Tides, but many of the LOSTies as well. Come join us!

LOSTies 10-man Raiding Team -
If you are of level 80 (or close) and would like to become a part of our very own 10-man raiding team, please let the officers know through guild chat and send a message in-game to Tides, including your character name, class, spec (Tank/Heals/DPS), and current availability. I for one know all too well how hectic RL (real life) could be, so I am very understanding of your available raiding schedule. Don't worry, I won't enforce a strict raiding schedule upon you. All raids for the most part will be lead by Tides, and it is his foremost goal to make it as stress free as possible. Should anything go wrong in raids, he will see to it to ensure a chill and fun environment. He won't allow pointing of fingers, yelling or cussing. It's a game after all, and if anyone can't acknowledge that fact, they will be asked to leave.

LOSTies PVP Arena Teams -
Yes, we like to PVP as well! If you are of level 80 (or close) and would like to be a part of our own LOSTies created arena teams, please contact Julian (Claman) through guild chat or in-game mail. He is our first designated PVP officer, and if you have any questions about PVP or need tips on arena fights, he is the best we've got!

Recruiting -
For now, a temporary level cap has been placed for all new recruits. Brand new recruits must be at least level 70 and up. Right now, we would like to focus on gearing up our raiding and PVP teams, and helping the lowbie LOSTies as well. If we keep recruiting lower levels, it would result in less time offered to help lowbie LOSTies. However, if you have a really close buddy you know we could trust, or you have alt characters of your own, by all means, ask an officer to invite them.

Contacting Tides -
Should you ever need to contact Tides personally, the best way to do so is to send him a message in-game. Other options include sending him a message on Facebook or by e-mailing him at The best and surest way to get a response quick-like would be to send him a message in-game.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A new officer: Phishy!

Congratulations, Phishy! Just last night, Phishy was ushered in as one of the Oceanic 6 officers. She is our very own quirky, cactus juice-loving, healbot! I feel need to mention that she is also one to be known as a lore whore! If you have any questions about achievements, turn to Phishy! Be sure to congratulate her in-game.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fireworks with the Crew..

I hope you all spent some quality time with your family and friends this 4th of July. Last night, a couple of the LOSTies were able to get some last minute partying done in-game. Thanks to those that could make it and light shit up WoW style! Special thanks to Eric (Nagartaa) and his traveler's mammoth mount, and Chad (Healzguy) and his levitation mastery. Also, a very special shoutout to Isobelle's beloved Arnold, one of the most loyal boars I've ever known. Blimey, that boar is loyal, and fast too for being able to keep up with Eric's ginormous, rampaging mammoth!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Our first try at Trial of the Crusader (10-man)

Hello, LOSTies. At 6pm server time, we will make our first attempt at ToC (10-man). I know most of us aren't nearly geared enough for it, but I've read some forums and a good number of the people are saying that for just the 10-man regular version, what's more important than gear score is knowing the fights. I can't promise that we're going to reach the final boss, but hey; we're all in this together. Our guild's aim is to learn to raid TOGETHER and as a TEAM. This is our first chance to evaluate where we all stand individually, and how we can each improve to bring our own strengths to the guild. Doesn't matter if we make mistakes, this is our first try. I want our raid tonight to be a stress-free and positive environment, so no pointing fingers and getting upset, this is just a game after all. We are all here for the fun and the team spirit, not to mention the awesome loot. I invite you to come join us on our very first practice run. Good luck, LOSTies!

Attached below are very helpful guides to ToC (10-man) that I found on Youtube. Watch them all! The more we all know collectively, the better our success rate.

Trial of the Crusader: NORTHREND BEASTS ENCOUNTER (10-man)

Tankspot's guide to overcoming the Northrend Beasts boss fight. Lions and tigers and..Jormungars?!



1. Swap at 3 debuffs (In 10 man its tough to go beyond 3 debuffs)
2. Kill Snobolds ASAP, if there is 1 on healer he dies first
3. Move out of fire

** If you have rogue or warriors you can disarm the guy


1. Warrior tanks rooted, other tank kites mobile one.
2. Everyone who gets debuff (any debuff) runs to tank of mobile jormugar
3. When they go underground they drop aggro, everyone but tanks move away form them, let the tanks get aggro before you even touch them
4. Charge back as soon as you get knockback by rooted or you are dead.


1. Stay focused and spread, move out of charge and burn all your cd's when he is stunned as he take double dmg
2. If he hits a player he enrages, tanks need CD's to live thru.

Trial of the Crusader: LORD JARRAXUS (10-MAN)

Tankspot's guide to defeating Lord Jarraxus. This isn't Jurrasic Park, yo. ^^

Trial of the Crusader: FACTION CHAMPIONS

Tankspot's guide to the Faction Champions. Enjoy!

Trial of the Crusader: TWIN VAL ' KYR (10-MAN)

Tankspot's guide to fighting the second to last boss fight.

Trial of the Crusader: ANUB ' ARAK (10-man)

Here is Tankspot's guide to defeating the final boss in ToC 10-man.