Friday, July 2, 2010

Trial of the Crusader: NORTHREND BEASTS ENCOUNTER (10-man)

Tankspot's guide to overcoming the Northrend Beasts boss fight. Lions and tigers and..Jormungars?!



1. Swap at 3 debuffs (In 10 man its tough to go beyond 3 debuffs)
2. Kill Snobolds ASAP, if there is 1 on healer he dies first
3. Move out of fire

** If you have rogue or warriors you can disarm the guy


1. Warrior tanks rooted, other tank kites mobile one.
2. Everyone who gets debuff (any debuff) runs to tank of mobile jormugar
3. When they go underground they drop aggro, everyone but tanks move away form them, let the tanks get aggro before you even touch them
4. Charge back as soon as you get knockback by rooted or you are dead.


1. Stay focused and spread, move out of charge and burn all your cd's when he is stunned as he take double dmg
2. If he hits a player he enrages, tanks need CD's to live thru.

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