Friday, July 2, 2010

Our first try at Trial of the Crusader (10-man)

Hello, LOSTies. At 6pm server time, we will make our first attempt at ToC (10-man). I know most of us aren't nearly geared enough for it, but I've read some forums and a good number of the people are saying that for just the 10-man regular version, what's more important than gear score is knowing the fights. I can't promise that we're going to reach the final boss, but hey; we're all in this together. Our guild's aim is to learn to raid TOGETHER and as a TEAM. This is our first chance to evaluate where we all stand individually, and how we can each improve to bring our own strengths to the guild. Doesn't matter if we make mistakes, this is our first try. I want our raid tonight to be a stress-free and positive environment, so no pointing fingers and getting upset, this is just a game after all. We are all here for the fun and the team spirit, not to mention the awesome loot. I invite you to come join us on our very first practice run. Good luck, LOSTies!

Attached below are very helpful guides to ToC (10-man) that I found on Youtube. Watch them all! The more we all know collectively, the better our success rate.

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