Sunday, September 26, 2010

Funny Alliance Youtube Videos

Alas! I've stumbled across some creative, hilarious WoW videos on Youtube! I'll admit, most of the funniest WoW videos on Youtube are created by Horde players; so it's refreshing to see awesome videos produced by our allies! The videos posted below are from Youtube user YumfriesWOW. He's got great stuff. Enjoy!

Here's a funny video explaining the producer's story of how the Celestial Steed mount came about.

Here's the producer's spoof on Blizzard trying to keep Cataclysm under wrap before it's launch date.

ALL CREDITS go to Youtube user YumfriesWOW.

Team Building #1 Results 9.26.10

First of all I'd like to thank those of you who showed up for today's Team Building Excercise. I know you'd love nothing more than to raid or level up your character, but just showing up to exude team spirit and work collectively is awesome. I'm very proud of you for being team players. I'm sure the assignment you've been given to undertake was sure to bring wrinkles of thought upon your forehead, but blimey; such a great turn out! It was amazing to see such great chemistry amongst the guildies! Posted at the end of this post are some of the pictures showing the shapes you've succeeded in replicating. Please see the post directly preceding this one to see the shapes assigned, or click on the link labeled "team building" found on the left-hand side of the guild blog, and find "Team Building Excercise #1."

Great job, LOSTies! Listed below are those who showed up along with the effort points you've accumulated for the day. I hope you all will make it a point to stock up on effort points by joining us for more guild events and raids. Thanks to all the following team players:

Allen (Gagbeard) 8.5 points
Eric (Nagartaa) 5.5 points
Julian (Valenthor) 5.5 points
Angie (Isobelle) 5.5 points
Anthony (Ryobi) 5.5 points
Darick (Elitekiller) 5.5 points
J (Sylvenaz) 5.5 points
Kimyco 5.5 points
Macrosblack 5.5 points
Sabrina (Lycreia) 5.5 points

* Allen gets an extra three points because I had him miss out on an ICC raid.

Here two teams compete to be the first to form a star.

Here is everyone's attempt at forming the Triforce and Star Trek Badge Hybrid shape. I took the picture one second too late. They actually completed it, but the focus lens charge that was supposed to form the line across the center of the overall triangle vanished.

Finally, here is everyone's attempt at forming the final shape for the night, Figure 10.2. All previous shapes awarded .5 points, while the last two shapes assigned awarded a whole point. Great job, LOSTies!

Team Building Excercise #1: Connect the LOSTies

Have you what it takes to be a certified LOSTie? You are hereby summoned by Tides to prove your worth! Come hone your teamwork skills and have a blast with your fellow LOSTies! These team building exercises are a great way to develop communication skills, vital to raiding or just interpersonal communications in general. They're a surefire way to have fun with the guild as well.

Objectives: You and your team will be assigned a shape and number of team members to create it with. You must work together to form the shape within the time limit.

Props: 1) timer
2) focusing crystals (in-game JC recipe)

Rules: 1) You can not use anymore team members than whatever is specified.
2) Your team must complete the shape within the time limit.

Rewards: Each team member will receive the same amount of LOSTies points per shape successfully completed. Some shapes award 1/2 a point while others may award 1 point. LOSTies points will be used by the guild in an upcoming effort points-based system. Think of these points as currency for the Guild Keep and other guild perks. More on these LOSTies points at the next Town Hall Meeting.


4 LOSTies -

Kite (disregard the circle and cross lines inside)

5 LOSTies -



6 LOSTies:

Star of David

Triforce and Star Trek badge hybrid

8 LOSTies -

Square Flower

9 LOSTies -

Figure 9.1

10 LOSTies -

Bandit Mask

Figure 10.1
Figure 10.2

Pac Munch (make sure you do both)

13 LOSTies -

Swallow in a Box

14 LOSTies

Bumble Bee found sweet loots!
(disregard the shape on the left side)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pirates' Day 2010

Yarrrrgg! Pirates' Day couldn't get any better than hanging with yer WoW mates! On this day a group of us LOSTies gathered together with pirate auras on and had an awesome raid meet in the ever secretive Faldir's Cove. Some great shots were taken, along with a creepy one...who ever said ghost ships never existed seriously needs to get /bonked. I'd like to give a special shout-out to Angie (Isobelle); congratulations on hitting level 80! We're proud of you and we want you to know we're always here for ya!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Guild Keep Rules

As a starter, I'd like to thank Alex (Kamaleaga) for this awesome picture. He ever so thoughtfully reorganized one of the tabs in the vanilla LOSTies Guild Keep to spell out a certain individual's name. I personally think he was just bored out of his mind and stuck on the phone with one of his women flavors of the week. Back to the post's topic...The Guild Keep is our own hoard of treasure, varying from plunder pillaged from the many exotic locales of Azeroth to items finely crafted by your fellow LOSTies. Consider it an honor donating items into the Guild Keep, for not only are you aiding in our wealth as a guild, but you are making things slightly easier for your fellow LOSTies when it comes to leveling their professions or enhancing their gear. More importantly, you must not abuse your Guild Keep privileges by taking incessantly and never giving in return. Rules have been put into effect for the benefit of all; mind you, these rules apply to officers as well. Let us all strive to keep things fair by following these simple guidelines:

1) Repayment
- Items taken out of the Guild Keep are restricted to a two week repayment period.
Something of equal or greater value must be deposited within the two week repayment period. If you are unsure if your repayment item is fair, or you would rather deposit gold in return, ask either the Guild Keep Administrator or the Guild Master for a reasonable deal/price.
Consult the Guild Keep Admin. or the Guild Master if you have an issue repaying or need more time in returning your payment.

2) Withdrawing
In order to minimize disputes, the last three tabs of the Guild Keep are off limits to all but the Guild Keep Admin. and the Guild Master. If you see something you could really use, or you have exceeded your total withdrawals for the day, consult the Guild Keep Admin or the Guild Master.

3) Depositing
Try your best to deposit items in the appropriate tab, if you are unsure of where to deposit an item, consult the Guild Keep Admin or the Guild Master.

4) Raiding Tab
The items found within are only available to those who have enlisted into the LOSTies raiding team. Many of the items here will only be issued out based on a new effort points system in the works.

5) Donations
The guild keep is a great way for us to help each other out and improve our professions or durability out in the battlefield. Whatever is put in there is donated by your fellow guild mates to ensure that you are being helped. Please keep it fair by giving back to others. I'm not going to hound everyone to start donating. Just keep in mind that if you enjoy being a LOSTie and have a vested interest in this guild, please give whatever amount you can, and regularly. I can tell you now that I've noticed a certain guildie that donates 50 silver every now and then, and I honestly appreciate that just as much as a donation of 100 gold from a guildie once in a blue moon. Here's a tip; when I was in a former guild, I made sure to donate a small amount of gold every Friday just to show my appreciation and to show that I cared for my fellow guildies.

6) Rewards
Your hard work and charitable donations shall not go unnoticed. Expect to hear from the Guild Keep Admin. or the Guild Master if you are a regular contributor. Your honorable actions shall indeed be duly rewarded.

* * Remember to follow these guidelines and everyone will be heaps happier! If you have any questions, consult the Guild Keep Admin. or the Guild Master, either by sending them a message in-game or whispering them.