Sunday, September 26, 2010

Team Building Excercise #1: Connect the LOSTies

Have you what it takes to be a certified LOSTie? You are hereby summoned by Tides to prove your worth! Come hone your teamwork skills and have a blast with your fellow LOSTies! These team building exercises are a great way to develop communication skills, vital to raiding or just interpersonal communications in general. They're a surefire way to have fun with the guild as well.

Objectives: You and your team will be assigned a shape and number of team members to create it with. You must work together to form the shape within the time limit.

Props: 1) timer
2) focusing crystals (in-game JC recipe)

Rules: 1) You can not use anymore team members than whatever is specified.
2) Your team must complete the shape within the time limit.

Rewards: Each team member will receive the same amount of LOSTies points per shape successfully completed. Some shapes award 1/2 a point while others may award 1 point. LOSTies points will be used by the guild in an upcoming effort points-based system. Think of these points as currency for the Guild Keep and other guild perks. More on these LOSTies points at the next Town Hall Meeting.


4 LOSTies -

Kite (disregard the circle and cross lines inside)

5 LOSTies -



6 LOSTies:

Star of David

Triforce and Star Trek badge hybrid

8 LOSTies -

Square Flower

9 LOSTies -

Figure 9.1

10 LOSTies -

Bandit Mask

Figure 10.1
Figure 10.2

Pac Munch (make sure you do both)

13 LOSTies -

Swallow in a Box

14 LOSTies

Bumble Bee found sweet loots!
(disregard the shape on the left side)

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