Sunday, September 26, 2010

Team Building #1 Results 9.26.10

First of all I'd like to thank those of you who showed up for today's Team Building Excercise. I know you'd love nothing more than to raid or level up your character, but just showing up to exude team spirit and work collectively is awesome. I'm very proud of you for being team players. I'm sure the assignment you've been given to undertake was sure to bring wrinkles of thought upon your forehead, but blimey; such a great turn out! It was amazing to see such great chemistry amongst the guildies! Posted at the end of this post are some of the pictures showing the shapes you've succeeded in replicating. Please see the post directly preceding this one to see the shapes assigned, or click on the link labeled "team building" found on the left-hand side of the guild blog, and find "Team Building Excercise #1."

Great job, LOSTies! Listed below are those who showed up along with the effort points you've accumulated for the day. I hope you all will make it a point to stock up on effort points by joining us for more guild events and raids. Thanks to all the following team players:

Allen (Gagbeard) 8.5 points
Eric (Nagartaa) 5.5 points
Julian (Valenthor) 5.5 points
Angie (Isobelle) 5.5 points
Anthony (Ryobi) 5.5 points
Darick (Elitekiller) 5.5 points
J (Sylvenaz) 5.5 points
Kimyco 5.5 points
Macrosblack 5.5 points
Sabrina (Lycreia) 5.5 points

* Allen gets an extra three points because I had him miss out on an ICC raid.

Here two teams compete to be the first to form a star.

Here is everyone's attempt at forming the Triforce and Star Trek Badge Hybrid shape. I took the picture one second too late. They actually completed it, but the focus lens charge that was supposed to form the line across the center of the overall triangle vanished.

Finally, here is everyone's attempt at forming the final shape for the night, Figure 10.2. All previous shapes awarded .5 points, while the last two shapes assigned awarded a whole point. Great job, LOSTies!

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