Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alas, our own guild vent!

Communication on the Island in LOST was a vital tool to the band of survivors. By using it effectively, they were able to overcome many obstacles and defeat the most treacherous of foes. Similarly, by use of ventrilo, we LOSTies will be able to utilize its power to coordinate effective raid strategies in real time, hold urgent officers' meetings, collaborate fun guild events, or simply engage in conversations with each other.

Welcome to our first official guild ventrilo! I've purchased our own guild vent because I feel that it will truly enhance the LOSTies' experience. For the time being, only 25 LOSTies may be logged on to the vent at the same time. The reason why only 25 LOSTies can use the vent at one time is because I subscribed to the second of the lower monthly packages. Right now I'm paying $33.60 every six months for our guild vent. For a couple more dollars we could increase the number of LOSTies allowed in guild vent at one time. I'm just as broke as most college students, so that's how much I'm willing to part with every six months. The vent hosting site I've subscribed to has a neat group-pay feature, which allows other guildies to help pay for our guild vent. Now, I'm not insisting that everyone should help pay, I'm just implying that if anyone is willing to help, I would very much appreciate it. You don't have to pay as high as $33.60, you could just make a one time payment of $7 for one month of ventrilo service.

If you would like to help, all you have to do is click on this link:

* My utmost thanks to you should you kindly offer your help in this matter. *

To view more information on the ventrilo hosting site that I've subscribed to, you may visit this link:
LOSTies Group-Pay Link
Here is our LOSTies vent info:

Port #: 5860
Password: (ask an officer!)

Since I pay for our guild vent, please make sure to follow the LOSTies vent rules, which I will affix at the end of this post. They are fairly simple rules. Now go have fun on our very own private guild ventrilo!


1. DO NOT give our ventrilo information to anyone that isn't a LOSTie. This includes any of your friends that aren't in LOSTies yet.  Anyone who breaks this rule will be banned from vent and kicked from guild.

2. If there are younger players logged on to vent, please try not to swear.

3. Use the appropriate channels.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

First guild event: Meet & Greet!

Greetings, fellow LOSTies. Our very first guild event will take place this Friday 29th at 6 p.m. server time. Everyone is welcome, please try your best to show up and on time, I promise it will be very fun and exciting! It will be a meet & greet social event. Come introduce yourself to the guild! Make sure you come equipped in our LOSTies guild tabard. Aside from letting you know the guild rules and ranking system, I will also speak more about our guild's ambition. Once we get that out of the way we'll finish off a with a daring guild competition for the lowbie LOSTies, and a prize will be bestowed upon whoever succeeds. It would be wise to make a great first impression and show up to this first official guild event. I expect to see everyone there! Keep checking our guild blog to keep updated on the latest information..Oh, forgot to mention that we will be taking our very first guild photo, so dress to impress!

* I will need two bouncers for this event, if you are interested please let Tides know in-game.

Location: the Twilight Grove in Duskwood (center of Duskwood map, look for a brown dirt path that leads north from the main road onto a hilly path)
Date: 1.29.2010
Time: 6 p.m. server time (Pacific Coast time)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Guild ranks..

LOSTies is a casual, social raiding guild and we have implemented a simple ranking scheme consisting of six ranks. The first five ranks are determined not only by player level, but by achieving special LOSTies achievements as well. These unique achievements are designed to test an individual's determination, strength, and loyalty to the guild. Aside from the first five ranks, there exists a sixth superior officer rank (Oceanic 6) bestowed upon guildies who have gone above and beyond that of their normal duty, and have proven themselves to be mature, friendly, respectful, and capable of leadership. Keep in mind, an officer status is earned, and never to be easily achieved. One must not take for granted the influential power they hold. As of now, LOSTies is still recruiting new comrades willing to forge their weapons and ready their spells alongside us as we muster our prowess against the might of the Horde. Remember, the success of our guild relies on our collaborated efforts as a whole. Together, let us make our guild known across all of Kalecgos server!

Listed below are the first five ranks, in order from lowest to highest:

Flight 815, Survivor, Kahana, DHARMA Crew, the Others.

Read on for a more precise breakdown of all the ranks:

1) Flight 815 (all new guild members, regardless of level)

You are a passenger on Flight 815. You boarded your plane, seemingly bound for home, work, vacation, heck, even prison or the cemetery. Who knows? You were invited to the guild and now you must endure this transitory flight of cloaked destiny. The passengers aboard Flight 815 on the show sat side-by-side, no matter what paths in life they walked...So shall you. No matter what level you are, board your flight and await your tumultuous crash into that which destiny wills you. Stay in the guild for 48 hours, equip our guild tabard, participate in guild conversations, events, and runs. Prove yourself worthy of a right in entry into LOSTies, and you shall arise with a new life as an official member of LOSTies, truly a Survivor!

2) Survivor (levels 1 - 20)

You live! You're a Survivor. Rise up, amongst the wreckage, sand and flames! A bit more unfortunate and landed out in the shark infested, crystalline waters? Then make your way through the floating debris, never mind the dangerous sea creatures or the floating material wealth that would have mattered back at home, just get to the Island in one piece! Find others who share in your severe loss and dilapidated state, band together and overcome the harsh introduction delivered unto you, compliments of the ominous and yet alluring island. In order to proceed to the next rank, you must fulfill the following: (1) Brave the Deadmines and earn its achievement, (2) Choose two professions in order to scratch a living out of the Island and support yourself, which leads to the next objective, (3) Buy yourself a mount! (you'll need it for inter-DHARMA station travel, not to mention questing), and finally, (5) Reach level 21! In real life, that means all the Heineken and Jack Daniel's your gluttonous thirst desires...Complete all these objectives and move forward as one of the Kahana!

3) Kahana (levels 21 - 40)

As a Survivor, you've learned to flourish on the Island in a group setting. However, merely surviving isn't enough. You are now one of the Kahana! You are a fierce mercenary and must accomplish many arduous tasks. First, you must overcome your group differences and avert any hostilities from within. Upon achieving an equanimity amongst your peers, you must break away from those you hold dear and partake in a solitary quest. A mercenary at nature, you do all the dirty work that would drive others into dismay. Venture forth and discover your own potential, your self-worth. Seek out the Hatch, engage in combat with deadly, misplaced polar bears, and track down the origin of the strange distress call in order to rescue the crazed damsel in distress. Many other dangers await you. In order to proceed to the next rank, you must complete the following: (1) Subdue the overthrown kingdom of Gnomeregan and earn its achievement, (2) Bring 10 coarse dynamite to a guild captain to aid in the blasting of the Hatch, (3) Bring 40 wool bandages to a guild officer to aid in the mending of any comrades injured during the detonation of the Hatch, (4) Bring 10 chunks of bear meat to guild officer and prove your polar bear slaying, and finally, (5) Reach level 41! Reveal your potential by completing these tasks and you will soon be enlisted into the DHARMA Crew!

4) DHARMA Crew (levels 41 - 60)

Wrangling with polar bears in a jungle laden with the deadliest of booby traps have made you stronger, distinguishing yourself from the lesser crust of the guild echelons. You are now a member of the DHARMA Crew! On the show LOST, the DHARMA Initiative was a secretive enterprise, a scientific measure against the confirmed date when humanity extinguishes itself. That is exactly what you are; you are a clandestine enterprise whose joint efforts have already started to stir fear amongst the Horde. It was the DHARMA Initiative that discovered the foreboding Valenzetti Equation:

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.

The DHARMA Initative used innovative technology to harness the greatest energy in the world found on the Island, and built several state-of-the-art stations scattered throughout the Island to keep that power in check, and ultimately, to save the world from it's own destruction. As one of the DHARMA Crew, you must follow in their path. In order to proceed to the next rank, you must attain the following: (1) Seek out the most powerful energy in all of Azeroth; once you are in Blackrock Depths, announce to the guild that you are in "the heart of the mountain", (2) Discover the secret behind the Valenzetti Equation by presenting to a guild officer: 4 sharp claws, 8 elemental water, 15 flasks of mojo, 16 savage fronds, 23 fireworks (any color), and 42 silk cloth, (3) Delve into the Sunken Temple and earn it's achievement, (4) Obtain your epic land mount and Journeyman riding, and finally, (5) Reach level 61! Tackle this list and you will finally gain entry into the upper crust as one of the Others!

5) the Others (levels 61 - 80)

to be continued...need to get back to RL and work on my research paper for my British Literature class.. ^^

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to LOSTies!

Welcome; you are now a member of LOSTies! Ever watch the show, LOST? I'm a huge fan. You're welcome to stay in the guild even if you're not a fan of LOST, as long as you are a friendly team player looking to be a part of a guild where everyone is respected and a true sense of camaraderie is fostered. Much like the show LOST, everyone in the guild is encouraged to work together as a team and play an active part in our own "stranded island" community. We are a casual, social raiding guild. "Casual" cos real life is always > WoW, so don't worry if school, work, or life in general get in the way - the goal is to have fun. We also enjoy social guild events, ranging from open mic nights on vent, team-building activities, and contests that reward awesome lewts. We have a guild vent and this guild blog you're currently at right now, and the information for both can always be found under the guild info tab in-game. Aside from these, we also have a guild website, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube channel. The links to all these resources can be found on the main page of the guild blog, in the upper right-hand corner under the LOSTies Links list. Further down the right-hand side of the guild blog you'll find links to WoW resources as well as some links to great sites dealing with non-WoW topics that Tides enjoys. Thank you for taking the time to read a bit about your new guild; we truly hope you will call LOSTies your home on WoW!

LOSTies prelude...

Hello, and welcome to LOSTies. We were all once strangers and seemingly transitory close-quarters neighbors on the ill-fated Oceanic Flight 815. Unbeknownst to us, a veiled and behemoth force from an island just as perplexing had already conspired to seal our fates collectively, and now we find ourselves stranded on a strange and deadly island. As fatum may have it, we are all destined to start as meek survivors, no matter who we are, or what we did for a living, or how we lived our lives back at home. Even the darkest secrets we each tried so strenuously to hide within the sunless recesses of our past, altogether culminated into a series of fateful events already set in motion, albeit an ever downward spiraling chasm of trials we must face together. For it is our own destiny, not our choice, to save the world we left at home, from the ceaseless and remorseless destruction and havoc that only the Horde could birth, what with their vile, reptilian forms and their plagued minds. Hark! My fellow comrades, the impending doom and its sinister end already haunts us, and threatens everyone and every memory we hold dear. Rise up, rise up, and let us band together against the unknown, let us work together to defeat the only Evil that stands in our path. Let us cast the Horde and all its evil undoings into the shameful pits of uber pwnage!! We LOSTies will forever take up arms for the Alliance!!