Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to LOSTies!

Welcome; you are now a member of LOSTies! Ever watch the show, LOST? I'm a huge fan. You're welcome to stay in the guild even if you're not a fan of LOST, as long as you are a friendly team player looking to be a part of a guild where everyone is respected and a true sense of camaraderie is fostered. Much like the show LOST, everyone in the guild is encouraged to work together as a team and play an active part in our own "stranded island" community. We are a casual, social raiding guild. "Casual" cos real life is always > WoW, so don't worry if school, work, or life in general get in the way - the goal is to have fun. We also enjoy social guild events, ranging from open mic nights on vent, team-building activities, and contests that reward awesome lewts. We have a guild vent and this guild blog you're currently at right now, and the information for both can always be found under the guild info tab in-game. Aside from these, we also have a guild website, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube channel. The links to all these resources can be found on the main page of the guild blog, in the upper right-hand corner under the LOSTies Links list. Further down the right-hand side of the guild blog you'll find links to WoW resources as well as some links to great sites dealing with non-WoW topics that Tides enjoys. Thank you for taking the time to read a bit about your new guild; we truly hope you will call LOSTies your home on WoW!

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