Sunday, January 24, 2010

First guild event: Meet & Greet!

Greetings, fellow LOSTies. Our very first guild event will take place this Friday 29th at 6 p.m. server time. Everyone is welcome, please try your best to show up and on time, I promise it will be very fun and exciting! It will be a meet & greet social event. Come introduce yourself to the guild! Make sure you come equipped in our LOSTies guild tabard. Aside from letting you know the guild rules and ranking system, I will also speak more about our guild's ambition. Once we get that out of the way we'll finish off a with a daring guild competition for the lowbie LOSTies, and a prize will be bestowed upon whoever succeeds. It would be wise to make a great first impression and show up to this first official guild event. I expect to see everyone there! Keep checking our guild blog to keep updated on the latest information..Oh, forgot to mention that we will be taking our very first guild photo, so dress to impress!

* I will need two bouncers for this event, if you are interested please let Tides know in-game.

Location: the Twilight Grove in Duskwood (center of Duskwood map, look for a brown dirt path that leads north from the main road onto a hilly path)
Date: 1.29.2010
Time: 6 p.m. server time (Pacific Coast time)

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