Saturday, January 29, 2011

Keybinding Guide

Are you still clicking? Get keybinding already! Well I don't want to force any guildies to drop clicking altogether, but I most definitely recommend giving it a try. I remember I was a hardcore clicker and when I decided to try keybinding, I was frustrated because I was a lot faster at clicking. However, I approached keybinding in an absolutely wrong manner, I keybinded everything. To make things easier on yourself, just keybind a few spells/actions at a time, in stages. Gradually work your way through the process and you'll soon find that keybinding will maximize your damage or healing output. I found this great guide online, created by Randaagulf, posted on the MMO Champion website. I hope this helps. Enjoy!

Randaagulf's Keybinding Guide

Friday, January 28, 2011

Shaman Talent Builds, Patch 4.0.3

A lot of thought went into putting these talent builds together, be sure to thank our officer, Scott (Natchos).

Elemental Shaman 34/7/0

3/3 Acuity
2/2 Convection
3/3 Concussion
2/2 Call of Flame
2/2 Reverberation
3/3 Elemental Precision
2/2 Rolling Thunder
1/1 Elemental Focus
2/2 Elemental Reach
2/2 Elemental Oath
3/3 Lava Flows
1/1 Fulmination
1/1 Elemental Mastery
1/1 Totemic Wrath
3/3 Feedback
2/2 Lava Surge
1/1 Earthquake

2/2 Elemental Weapons
3/3 Improved Shields
2/2 Ancestral Swiftness

Enhancement Shaman 7/34/0

3/3 Acuity
2/3 Concussion
2/2 Reverberation

2/2 Elemental Weapons
3/3 Focused Strikes
3/3 Improved Shields
3/3 Elemental Devastation
3/3 Flurry
2/2 Ancestral Swiftness
1/1 Stormstrike
3/3 Static Shock
2/2 Improved Fire Nova
3/3 Searing Flames
1/1 Shamanistic Rage
2/2 Unleashed Rage
3/3 Maelstrom Weapon
2/2 Improved Lava Lash
1/1 Feral Spirit

Restoration Shaman 3/7/31

3/3 Acuity

2/2 Elemental Weapons
3/3 Improved Shields
2/2 Ancestral Swiftness

3/3 Tidal Focus
3/3 Spark of Life
2/2 Improved Water Shield
2/2 Totemic Focus
2/2 Ancestral Healing
1/1 Nature's Swiftness
3/3 Nature's Blessing
2/2 Soothing Rains
1/1 Improved Cleanse Spirit
2/2 Cleansing Waters
3/3 Ancestral Awakening
1/1 Mana Tide Totem
3/3 Tidal Waves
2/2 Blessing of the Eternals
1/1 Riptide

Warlock Talent Builds, Patch 4.0.3

A lot of thought went into putting these talent builds together, be sure to thank our officer, Scott (Natchos).

Affliction Warlock 32/1/8

2/2 Doom and Gloom
2/2 Improved Life Tap
3/3 Improved Corruption
2/2 Jinx
2/2 Soul Siphon
2/2 Siphon Life
3/3 Eradication
1/1 Soul Swap
3/3 Shadow Embrace
3/3 Death's Embrace
2/2 Nightfall
1/1 Soulburn: Seed of Corruption
3/3 Everlasting Affliction
2/2 Pandemic
1/1 Haunt

1/3 Demonic Embrace

3/3 Bane
3/3 Shadow and Flame
2/2 Improved Searing Pain

Destruction Warlock 2/8/31

2/2 Improved Life Tap

3/3 Dark Arts
2/2 Fel Synergy
2/2 Mana Feed
1/2 Demonic Aegis

3/3 Bane
3/3 Shadow and Flame
2/2 Improved Immolate
2/2 Improved Soul Fire
2/2 Emberstorm
2/2 Aftermath
3/3 Backdraft
1/1 Shadowburn
2/2 Burning Embers
2/2 Soul Leech
1/3 Backlash
3/3 Fire and Brimstone
1/1 Shadowfury
2/2 Empowered Imp
1/1 Bane of Havoc
1/1 Chaos Bolt

* Coming soon: Demonology Warlock Talent Build *

Warrior Talent Builds, Patch 4.0.3

A lot of thought went into putting these talent builds together, be sure to thank our officer, Scott (Natchos).

Arms Warrior 31/10/0

3/3 War Academy
2/2 Blitz
3/3 Deep Wounds
2/2 Drums of War
3/3 Taste for Blood
1/1 Sweeping Strikes
2/2 Impale
2/2 Improved Slam
1/1 Deadly Calm
2/2 Blood Frenzy
3/3 Lambs to the Slaughter
1/1 Juggernaut
2/2 Sudden Death
2/2 Wrecking Crew
1/1 Throwdown
1/1 Bladestorm

3/3 Battle Trance
2/2 Cruelty
2/2 Executioner
2/2 Booming Voice
1/1 Piercing Howl

Fury Warrior 8/31/2

3/3 War Academy
2/2 Field Dressing
3/3 Deep Wounds

3/3 Battle Trance
2/2 Cruelty
2/2 Executioner
2/2 Booming Voice
2/2 Rude Interruption
3/3 Flurry
1/1 Death Wish
3/3 Enrage
1/1 Raging Blow
1/1 Rampage
1/1 Heroic Fury
2/2 Meat Cleaver
2/2 Intensify Rage
3/3 Bloodsurge
2/2 Skirmisher
1/1 Titan's Grip

2/3 Incite

Protection Warrior 6/3/32

3/3 War Academy
2/2 Field Dressing
1/2 Blitz

3/3 Blood Craze

3/3 Incite
3/3 Toughness
2/2 Blood and Thunder
3/3 Shield Mastery
2/2 Hold the Line
2/2 Gag Order
1/1 Last Stand
1/1 Concussion Blow
2/2 Bastion of Defense
1/1 Warbringer
2/2 Improved Revenge
1/1 Devastate
2/2 Impending Victory
2/2 Thunderstruck
1/1 Vigilance
3/3 Sword and Board
1/1 Shockwave

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Video On Our Youtube Channel: Figurine Complete Guide

I'm proud to be the very first on Youtube to present a complete guide to tracking down the Mysterious Camel Figurines in Uldum. These elusive rare spawn lootable figurines give you a small chance at being ported to an exotic locale in which you'll fight Dormus the Camel Hoarder, and upon killing him you get to claim a Grey Riding Camel mount as your prize. Happy hunting!