Friday, January 28, 2011

Warrior Talent Builds, Patch 4.0.3

A lot of thought went into putting these talent builds together, be sure to thank our officer, Scott (Natchos).

Arms Warrior 31/10/0

3/3 War Academy
2/2 Blitz
3/3 Deep Wounds
2/2 Drums of War
3/3 Taste for Blood
1/1 Sweeping Strikes
2/2 Impale
2/2 Improved Slam
1/1 Deadly Calm
2/2 Blood Frenzy
3/3 Lambs to the Slaughter
1/1 Juggernaut
2/2 Sudden Death
2/2 Wrecking Crew
1/1 Throwdown
1/1 Bladestorm

3/3 Battle Trance
2/2 Cruelty
2/2 Executioner
2/2 Booming Voice
1/1 Piercing Howl

Fury Warrior 8/31/2

3/3 War Academy
2/2 Field Dressing
3/3 Deep Wounds

3/3 Battle Trance
2/2 Cruelty
2/2 Executioner
2/2 Booming Voice
2/2 Rude Interruption
3/3 Flurry
1/1 Death Wish
3/3 Enrage
1/1 Raging Blow
1/1 Rampage
1/1 Heroic Fury
2/2 Meat Cleaver
2/2 Intensify Rage
3/3 Bloodsurge
2/2 Skirmisher
1/1 Titan's Grip

2/3 Incite

Protection Warrior 6/3/32

3/3 War Academy
2/2 Field Dressing
1/2 Blitz

3/3 Blood Craze

3/3 Incite
3/3 Toughness
2/2 Blood and Thunder
3/3 Shield Mastery
2/2 Hold the Line
2/2 Gag Order
1/1 Last Stand
1/1 Concussion Blow
2/2 Bastion of Defense
1/1 Warbringer
2/2 Improved Revenge
1/1 Devastate
2/2 Impending Victory
2/2 Thunderstruck
1/1 Vigilance
3/3 Sword and Board
1/1 Shockwave

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