Friday, January 28, 2011

Shaman Talent Builds, Patch 4.0.3

A lot of thought went into putting these talent builds together, be sure to thank our officer, Scott (Natchos).

Elemental Shaman 34/7/0

3/3 Acuity
2/2 Convection
3/3 Concussion
2/2 Call of Flame
2/2 Reverberation
3/3 Elemental Precision
2/2 Rolling Thunder
1/1 Elemental Focus
2/2 Elemental Reach
2/2 Elemental Oath
3/3 Lava Flows
1/1 Fulmination
1/1 Elemental Mastery
1/1 Totemic Wrath
3/3 Feedback
2/2 Lava Surge
1/1 Earthquake

2/2 Elemental Weapons
3/3 Improved Shields
2/2 Ancestral Swiftness

Enhancement Shaman 7/34/0

3/3 Acuity
2/3 Concussion
2/2 Reverberation

2/2 Elemental Weapons
3/3 Focused Strikes
3/3 Improved Shields
3/3 Elemental Devastation
3/3 Flurry
2/2 Ancestral Swiftness
1/1 Stormstrike
3/3 Static Shock
2/2 Improved Fire Nova
3/3 Searing Flames
1/1 Shamanistic Rage
2/2 Unleashed Rage
3/3 Maelstrom Weapon
2/2 Improved Lava Lash
1/1 Feral Spirit

Restoration Shaman 3/7/31

3/3 Acuity

2/2 Elemental Weapons
3/3 Improved Shields
2/2 Ancestral Swiftness

3/3 Tidal Focus
3/3 Spark of Life
2/2 Improved Water Shield
2/2 Totemic Focus
2/2 Ancestral Healing
1/1 Nature's Swiftness
3/3 Nature's Blessing
2/2 Soothing Rains
1/1 Improved Cleanse Spirit
2/2 Cleansing Waters
3/3 Ancestral Awakening
1/1 Mana Tide Totem
3/3 Tidal Waves
2/2 Blessing of the Eternals
1/1 Riptide

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