Friday, May 13, 2011

Dunder Mifflin Inc. + LOSTies = l33t Raiding Allies!

On our own, we may not be much for starters, but together as allies we can accomplish far more and at a faster pace. However, raiding together will bring forth new challenges as well. We must learn to work collectively as a team, and to do so we must all make an earnest effort to adapt to each others' play styles and personalities. In order to honor our pact as raiding allies, I've put together a simple list of tips to help ensure a smoother transition into an effective raiding confederacy:

  • Strive to get to know each other
  • Be respective of others, this means being open to others' suggestions
  • Offer to help those of lower gear by means of heroics or regs
  • Bolster each others' potential by offering your trade profession skills to others
  • Be sure show your appreciation to others by either tipping or crafting in return
  • Be patient with others and willing to learn raid tactics together
  • Set aside a bit of time to do raid research and make sure you are playing your class well
  • Be prepared and on time for raids if you sign up
Although time consuming and demanding, raiding can be an exciting experience and a great way to socialize with your virtual mates. However, don't feel like it has to consume your life. Real life will always be > than WoW, whether it's family, friends, school, work or play. But during the times you are able to raid with us, be sure to sit back with your beer or lolly water (for those under 21) and have a blast in a chill atmosphere. Cheers!

Here are some links to two very useful raiding guides I found on the MMO Champion website:

Cataclysm Raid Strategies Guide ~ Try and print this one out for easy reference if you're able to.

Crowd Control Guide

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