Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dunder Mifflin & LOSTies' First BH Attempt

Aah, the joys of raiding. This is a teaser video for Baradin Hold. LOSTies and Dunder Mifflin are both Alliance guilds on Kalecgos server, and we're raiding allies. This video is our first ever attempt together of BH, and we wiped in this video. We didn't succeed till after four attempts, and sadly I forgot to record our successful attempt. I'll be sure to put upload a successful attempt. I just felt I had to upload this first attempt cos it was bloody hilarious and well, cos it was our very first attempt. Cheers!

*In this raid we had Cheguevara and myself tanking, and Scottie (Natchos) and Elyss as heals. Thanks Scottie for the boss intel!

1 comment:

  1. Lol, you just HAD to add in the fact that I forgot to hero and looked dumb, DIDN't you?! Lol, wish we got our success in there, but then again, we can get in a clean success once people are slightly better geared and beastly
