Sunday, September 11, 2011

LOSTies Nefarian Kill

This is our second full guild raid kill of Nefarian. We downed Nefarian after two attempts. My purpose for these guild raid videos is not to show our prowess; otherwise I'd be showing Firelands raids. They are meant to show our chill raiding atmosphere. Come raid with us! LOSTies on Kalecgos.

Be sure to watch in HD, 720p format for a much clearer viewing. Cheers!

Raid Composition:

Tidesroyale ~ Main Tank
Spades aka Allbline ~ Main Tank
Ryan aka Imnotferal ~ Main Tank
Mattie aka Kandore ~ Tank Heals
Jay aka Humph ~ Raid Heals
Mirandah ~ Tank Heals
Joe aka Specops ~ Deeps
Nicky aka Ace ~ Deeps
Big aka Moochacho ~ Deeps
Tiafa aka Todverkorpen ~ Deeps

Friday, September 9, 2011

LOSTies Conclave of Wind Kill

The only editing I do is to make sure I keep the videos under the 10 minute limit. I'd like for you to see what I experience on our guild's raid nights.  At every raid night, before we pull the first boss I like to have our guild form a circle and I like to play a song or do an icebreaker/mini contest just to loosen everyone up and remind them that this is just a game and the main idea is to have a blast.  I originally planned to have a part II to this video showing the loot that dropped that night and our antics that happened after but it takes forever to upload these videos so I may just focus on bringing more raid fights, raid boss intel and rare elite spawn videos.  Be sure to watch in HD, 720p format for a much clearer viewing. Cheers!

Raid Composition:

Tidesroyale as Main Tank
Tiafa as Main Tank
Jay aka Humph as Tiafa's Healer
Mattie aka Kandore as Tides' Healer
Mirandah as Joe aka Specops' Healer
Joe aka Specops on Wind Platform at pull
Chris aka Andaph on Wind Platform at pull
Killerkillman as Transitioner
Nicky aka Ace as Transitioner
Ryan aka Imnotferal on Nature Platform at pull

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Shannox Video Guides

Tankspot's Guide:

OMFGCata's Guide:

Monday, September 5, 2011

LOSTies First Maloriak Kill

  Actually this isn't our first kill. We've farmed the bosses in BWD for a while now and even got the guild achievement. This is, however, our first complete guild only raid for Atramedes. This is just a sample of our chill raiding atmosphere.  Be sure to watch in HD, 720p format for a much clearer viewing. Cheers!

Thanks to everyone that helped!

Tidesroyale ~  Off-Tank
Spades aka Allbline ~ Main Tank
Mattie aka Kandore ~ Tank Heals
Jay aka Humph ~  Raid Heals
Popesboy ~  Raid Heals
Scottie aka Fade ~  Deeps
Joe aka Specops ~  Deeps
Ryan aka Imnotferal ~  Deeps
Enchantordwa ~  Deeps
Ace ~  Deeps

LOSTies First Atramedes Kill

Actually this isn't our first kill. We've farmed the bosses in BWD for a while now and even got the guild achievement. This is, however, our first complete guild only raid for Atramedes. This is just a sample of our chill raiding atmosphere.  Be sure to watch in HD, 720p format for a much clearer viewing. Cheers!

Thanks to everyone that helped!

Tidesroyale ~  Main Tank
Spades aka Allbline ~ Deeps (Off-Tank for previous fights)
Mattie aka Kandore ~ Tank Heals
Jay aka Humph ~  Raid Heals
Popesboy ~  Raid Heals
Scottie aka Fade ~  Deeps
Joe aka Specops ~  Deeps
Ryan aka Imnotferal ~  Deeps
Enchantordwa ~  Deeps
Ace ~  Deeps

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nefarian 10-man Video Guides

Tankspot's Guide:

tgnWorldofWarcraft's Guide:

OMFGCata's Guide: