Monday, September 5, 2011

LOSTies First Atramedes Kill

Actually this isn't our first kill. We've farmed the bosses in BWD for a while now and even got the guild achievement. This is, however, our first complete guild only raid for Atramedes. This is just a sample of our chill raiding atmosphere.  Be sure to watch in HD, 720p format for a much clearer viewing. Cheers!

Thanks to everyone that helped!

Tidesroyale ~  Main Tank
Spades aka Allbline ~ Deeps (Off-Tank for previous fights)
Mattie aka Kandore ~ Tank Heals
Jay aka Humph ~  Raid Heals
Popesboy ~  Raid Heals
Scottie aka Fade ~  Deeps
Joe aka Specops ~  Deeps
Ryan aka Imnotferal ~  Deeps
Enchantordwa ~  Deeps
Ace ~  Deeps

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