Sunday, September 11, 2011

LOSTies Nefarian Kill

This is our second full guild raid kill of Nefarian. We downed Nefarian after two attempts. My purpose for these guild raid videos is not to show our prowess; otherwise I'd be showing Firelands raids. They are meant to show our chill raiding atmosphere. Come raid with us! LOSTies on Kalecgos.

Be sure to watch in HD, 720p format for a much clearer viewing. Cheers!

Raid Composition:

Tidesroyale ~ Main Tank
Spades aka Allbline ~ Main Tank
Ryan aka Imnotferal ~ Main Tank
Mattie aka Kandore ~ Tank Heals
Jay aka Humph ~ Raid Heals
Mirandah ~ Tank Heals
Joe aka Specops ~ Deeps
Nicky aka Ace ~ Deeps
Big aka Moochacho ~ Deeps
Tiafa aka Todverkorpen ~ Deeps

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